Thursday, June 26, 2008

Get Low!

If you're an adult, chances are you're probably taller than your child. Without bending down to their eye level you're at risk of stiff neck syndrome. This is where all your shots involve your child looking up in the air toward the camera. If you're shooting down on them at very close range the lens could distort the proportions of your child. Usually they'll end up with a large head, medium arms, and tiny legs.

Of course, I'm not saying this is the wrong way to take pictures. In fact it can look cute, and it's a great way to create a clean background, but you probably don't want ALL your pictures to look like this. Kneeling down to your child's eye level creates a more intimate shot, and helps you see the world from their perspective.

You don't want to go too much below eye level, or you'll be in danger of "Godzilla" syndrome. This is when your child looks like a towering giant in the frame, which can be fun at times, but not necessarily flattering.

Try it the next time you photograph a child. Simply ask yourself, "What Would Shorty Do?" and get low low low to their eye level for some great shots!

1 comment:

Sean and Abby said...

the picture of those two little girls has always been one of my favorites!! I love your quote,"what would shorty do?" haha